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Beautiful, sustainable and functional objects, made by japanese craftsmen to embellish your daily life.


All our products are made by our Japanese craftsmen with natural and durable materials.

Presentation of our craftsmen

Designer and wood craftsman - Tatsuya KAMINO

Master Tatsuya KAMINO's workshop is located in southern Japan, a region rich in natural hot springs. He founded his own woodworking workshop where he makes furniture, cutlery, crockery, small objects and toys for children, using only the most natural materials. All his work is hand-carved and delicately crafted. 
The warmth and expression of each wood species, the delicacy and beauty of the curves, and the thoughtful ease of use, form a harmonious and unique whole. It takes a great deal of experience to craft such refined objects. Master Kamino's objects show great sensitivity combined with a slightly modern design.
Porcelain of Taizan

AchiKochi Blog

AchiKochi blog - Crafts and Nature
A little blog about daily events, nature, crafts, and a pinch of Japanese culture.

summer festival

Tanabata - Summer festival in Japan

Summer is a season of festivals in Japan. People go out for Matsuri, food festivals, fireworks displays and other celebrations.
Tanabata is a festival that takes place on 7 July. It came to Japan from China during the Nara era (710-794).
On the eve of Tanabata, at the end of summer, the stars of the Hikoboshi (Altair) and the Orihime (Vega) are very high in the starry sky, and an ancient legend tells a love story with many variations.
A young cowherd called Hikoboshi meets seven fairy sisters bathing in a lake along the way.
The youngest of them, the fairy weaver Orihime, met Hikoboshi's gaze and fell in love with him. They married and lived happily ever after with their children. But the Goddess of Heaven discovered that a mortal cowherd had married one of the young fairies, and became furious. She descended to Earth to find Orihime and bring her back to the celestial kingdom. Hikoboshi followed them up to heaven, but just as he reached Orihime, the goddess created an impassable river in the sky to separate the two lovers forever in their own worlds, creating the Milky Way between the stars Altair and Vega.
Orihime had to stay forever on her side of the river, weeping every day, working sadly at her loom, and Hikoboshi watched her from afar, taking care of their two children. 
The Goddess of Heaven took pity and allowed the two lovers to see each other on the seventh night of the seventh month of each year. This is the night of Tanabata.
In Japan today, the custom is to write wishes on a Tansaku, a small card with a thread, and hang it from a bamboo branch. There are often Matsuri around 7 July, when many people in Yukata (summer kimono) write and hang their Tansaku from bamboo branches all over the place

AchiKochi Vlog
We started our Vlog with videos to better describe our objects, their dimensions and their daily use.
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Cherry bark table ware
AchiKochi Craft & Nature

Handcrafted with natural and sustainable materials

AchiKochi (pronounced "atchi kotchi" and meaning "here and there"), is a "select shop" that imports products made by its Japanese craftsmen spread throughout Japan. These beautiful products are all handmade, of exceptional quality, functional, and made in the respect of traditions often more than a hundred years. 
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