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Cherry bark treasure canister

(Code: DSR-e11)
56.00 EUR
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This pretty cherry bark canister will be used to keep your treasures.

Whether it is sweets, tea, jewelry, your little treasures will be well protected in this original canister made of cherry blossom bark, classic cherry bark and maple bark. This beautiful object is the result of Denshiro's "Kabazaiku" bark processing technique that dates back to 1851 and has been passed down for six generations.

The bark of wild cherry trees is harvested in such a way as to allow regeneration so as not to interfere with the growth of the trees.

Size: Ø 8.2 cm × H 4.3 cm
Materials: Wild cherry bark, natural wood
Volume of tea leaves (approx.): 100g

Never leave this product in direct sunlight or in a humid place. Do not get wet. Occasionally wipe it thoroughly with a soft cloth. Never use scrubbing brushes.
Not suitable for dishwasher. 
*Due to the use of natural materials, patterns and colors may